Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Interview animation, 001

Please leave your critiques on this animation below :) Any comment to make this animation better is greatly appreciated.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

RobotArm Animation

Here's the result for my next assignment. Pick up cylinder, and place it somewhere else. This assignment was to learn how to animate in Maya, so it's not officially critiqued. Any comments are welcome :)... If it's a mean one, please make sure to give pointers on how to make it better, not just say it's crap... You get the idea :) No one likes bad critiques... Enjoy!

RobotArm_Anim from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Maya Update: First Animation

So, we started the animation part of the Maya Springboard program. I had fun animating this first animation for, well, AnimationMentor. But first, an update on my last scene. I think it came out ok :) What do you think?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Maya, here we come!

So, I recently began the Maya Springboard Program; a.k.a. massive Maya learning experience. Here's the resulting product of 1 week of work in Maya. First, I made the character (no joints, bones, or anything technical) out of pure geometry, and I think it came out ok for someone that doesn't do a lot of modeling.

Then came the Scene. Here's some screenshots. I'll be adding a few more things to it every day I learn something new.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Jimbo and Skeeter VS. The Apocalypse

This is a new game featured with the Blade Engine, previewed at GDC '09. I made several animations in the game. Here are a few of two of all the enemies: The Hellhound, and the Chicken Mech (I know it doesn't look like a chicken, but it's supposed to act like one. The game is called Jimbo and Skeeter vs. The Apocalypse, which is still in Beta, and the company I worked with is Gaslight Studios.

Jimbo and Skeeter VS. The Apocalypse from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Animation Demo Reel

Ladies and gentlemen. I give you the mighty Animation Demo Reel. I hope you all like it :)

Animation Demo Reel (Updated) from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.

Also, as you can tell, I've decided to redesign my website a little for better viewing. Enjoy the show! :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Preview of the final product

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, a picture of what OliveMan will look like in my reel. I am now working on it, polishing up the animations I'm most proud of, and putting them together to create my final Demo Reel. I'm not going to post any more videos until my Reel is done, so cross your fingers for me!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

OliveMan's Special Idle

Here is a new animation of OliveMan! This is supposed to be an idle that shows a little about his personality. Any comments relevant to this (or any other) animation are appreciated :)


OliveMan - Special Idle from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Run, OliveMan, Run!

The run cycle. I think it came out ok. Any comments/suggestions/constructive critisizm, please post it. Enjoy! :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

OliveMan: Returns

The walk cycle. I was still working on the idea of how OliveMan should actually walk/run/move in any way. I wanted to make it more cartoony, and less "realistic". Meaning, if a bunch of olives, toothpicks, and white gloves got together and made a character in real life, this is how the character would walk... Hypothetically, of course.  This is what I originally created:

And now, I give you the cartoon walk cycle. A teacher of mine sat with me to show me how to make the basic cartoon walk cycle.  Then, of course, I made my own with OliveMan. Like always, constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!

OliveMan: Toony Walk from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.

Friday, January 23, 2009

First OliveMan Video

This is the very first animation that I'm uploading of my character OliveMan. Unfortunately, he has been put on hold for a very long time, but now I am starting up on his animations. The texturing work is not final, but it is in place for visual aesthetics. More motion to come VERY soon. Seriously.
First OliveMan Video from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.