Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Highlight duplicate inputs in Google Sheets

We use Google Sheets to track one-off assignments (shots that need fixing). I realized that some shots were coming in as duplicates, so I found this handy idea to detect duplicate inputs.


Here's the snippet from the above link (all credit to the poster):

  1. Select the the whole column or range you would like to dedup.
  2. Frome the menu, select Format >> conditional formatting. The conditionalformating toolbox will open which looks like this:
  3. From the drop down menu under “Format Cell If”, select “Cutsom Formula is” and add the following condition:
    * Where B is the colum you are trying to dedup.
  4. Choose a formatting style so you can quickly identitfy duplicated cells.
  5. Select Done and you good to go!