Thursday, January 29, 2009

OliveMan: Returns

The walk cycle. I was still working on the idea of how OliveMan should actually walk/run/move in any way. I wanted to make it more cartoony, and less "realistic". Meaning, if a bunch of olives, toothpicks, and white gloves got together and made a character in real life, this is how the character would walk... Hypothetically, of course.  This is what I originally created:

And now, I give you the cartoon walk cycle. A teacher of mine sat with me to show me how to make the basic cartoon walk cycle.  Then, of course, I made my own with OliveMan. Like always, constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!

OliveMan: Toony Walk from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.

Friday, January 23, 2009

First OliveMan Video

This is the very first animation that I'm uploading of my character OliveMan. Unfortunately, he has been put on hold for a very long time, but now I am starting up on his animations. The texturing work is not final, but it is in place for visual aesthetics. More motion to come VERY soon. Seriously.
First OliveMan Video from Isai Calderon on Vimeo.